Instagram and its impact on photography

Gabriella Baldacchino
2 min readApr 25, 2021


In a nutshell, Instagram is a platform that allows users to react and comment on different content. It also allows individuals to capture, edit and share unique photos with the rest of the world. From my perspective, I like the concept of this platform as it gives people like me the chance to share unique photos that reflect and commemorate our lives and what we value and appreciate in life.

The real question is; Is Instagram interfering and changing the authentic values of photography?

This question can bring out varied responses as at the end of the day, each individual has their own beliefs and opinions. A photographer’s response may be different from a person who is simply a consistent Instagram user. People may believe in different values; some may say that Instagram and other similar platforms are interference to show an ideal version of the world. Others may find such platforms helpful to connect with the rest of the world to share their life experiences through unique images. In reality, there is no real answer to this question except for the fact that social media has drastically changed how we see and value our surroundings.

Reaching a wider audience

Instagram is an easy platform where anyone in the world can excess and use. With editing features and endless filters, users can explore and discover new techniques to spice up their Instagram feed and connect with other users. These technological features enhance the application’s performance and allow people to get out of their comfort zone and explore the world of visual art through different images. Instagram is also suitable for those amateur photographers who just started and want a little boost and traffic to their page. Eventually, photographers can ultimately expand their platform and reach a higher exposure, thus increasing future opportunities and partnerships.

What about the future?

Nowadays, for businesses that are more technologically invested, Instagram can be an extraordinary influence to attract different target audiences, specifically the younger generation. Photographers can use this platform and share their unique work with the rest of the world, increasing business exposure and engagement with their audience.

Without a doubt, Instagram has brought out many benefits in the world of photography. This phenomenon has elevated photography to another level. It gave people the opportunity to delve into a digital world and express their thoughts and share their day to day adventures and memories through the art of photography. At the end of the day, Instagram and other similar platforms may not be everyone’s cup of tea; however, for those interested individuals, the purpose of these platforms is to create and form unique connections with the rest of the world through inspiring and creative visuals.

